The Gen Z's have spoken: Less is boring.
This new generation of individuals has been shaking up the way we're doing work, fashion, and philosophy. Let us not forget the emergence of TikTok. But alas, it doesn't end there. They are also speaking up about how to approach our homes and boldly envision home living with a fresh perspective.
Of course, maintaining a constant pace with Generation Z can be exhausting. They are the first generation to be raised entirely in the internet world, so they may be the most connected and well-informed generation ever. They have a firm grasp on their preferences yet are open to the possibility that those views could shift overnight.
Most importantly, they have an admirable ability to experiment with fashion, music, art, and identity. And they don't even try to hide it.
Why is Generation Z so into the maximalist style, and what is it exactly?
What is Maximalism?
As its name suggests, Maximalism focuses on making the most of every aspect of design, including colors, textures, and forms. This trend for interior decorators creates a highly individual room bursting at the seams with visual flair.
Simply put, Less is meh, and more is lit (as a Gen Z would put it).
Unlike “cancel culture” or viral internet trends, Gen Zdid not invent Maximalism. The history of the maximalist design style is complex, just like the style itself. The movement can be traced back to 16th-century Europe when the wealthy made their love for extravagance known through paintings of lavishly furnished homes. The style faded into obscurity but made a comeback during the Victorian era as a way for people to express themselves. Following economic booms and recessions and the classic quest for the shiny new thing. Maximalism and its antithesis, Minimalism, continued to ebb and flow.
Minimalism vs. Maximalism

When the Bauhaus school of art and design in Germany was founded in the 1920s, its guiding principle of "less is more" became well known. With the advent of mass production and cheap new materials (such as tubular steel and plywood), modernists were able to spread the message that beauty and functionality could bring about social equality in home decor.
Since minimalists can't keep their homes neat and organized, they spend more money on "storage solutions." Moreover, a minimalist would eliminate as many decorative elements as possible and use a limited color palette.
But practicing simplicity today is more challenging than ever before. In a world where we can't stop the flood of unwanted consumer goods (especially if we have kids), it's even more astonishing when people can pare down to the essentials. The successful take calculated risks and discard a lot of unnecessary items.
Maximalism is one of Gen Z's many rebellions against the ways of older generations. Because of the lockdowns, people shifted away from minimalist design to spaces with more color and visual interest. Do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvements gained popularity as people had more time on their hands and easier access to information. When bored homeowners desperately sought more visual stimulation in their houses, Maximalism burst through the walls and into our homes.
Spaces are made one-of-a-kind by layering colors, patterns, and shapes, transforming the maximalist home into a museum of the owner's passions, collections, and memories. Sub-pathological hoarders, middle-class mimics of aristocratic eclecticism, and moral "keepers" are just a few of the many people who enjoy being surrounded by clutter. Aesthetic disarray provided solace with the impression that human agency, identity, or hope had been inadvertently lost.
Social Impact
If you pay close attention to the trend, modern Maximalism is a direct descendant of its predecessors. Following the age of millennial Minimalism, the maximalist outlook of the 2020s maintains the same concern for the environment. Gen Z maximalists share anti-consumerist beliefs, despite the trend's appearance of glorification of materialism.
Internet creators spreading ideas on reducing, reusing, & “recycling in trend”, and an emphasis on sustainability has made the familiar just made the movement look refreshingly new.
Maximalists can still be environmentally conscientious by carefully selecting each decorative item. Materials used in furniture and coatings should be resilient and long-lasting to reduce waste in our landfills. It’s evident when you take some time to view TikTok trends. This generation celebrates recycled objects, and online communities willingly swap contentious videos for one another's videos. Since there are no guidelines in Maximalism, no element can ever go out of style.
Maximalism aka. cluttercore is appropriate because it presents the self as its curator, the "interesting" and "genuine" self that is so prized on social media.
However, the growing popularity of Maximalism does not spell the end for the minimalist movement. Stagnation is what's really dragging things down. Although we are (once again) making progress toward normalcy, many people long for transformation and rebirth and seek unique and exciting content.
The underlying theme here seems to be a yearning for novelty. Even the most ardent Minimalism advocates agree that the aesthetic has begun to permeate every aspect of culture, from stores to advertisements to Kim Kardashian's bizarre mansion. In the end, what's going to stick is contrast — whether that's through the excess of Maximalism or its coexistence with Minimalism.
It's not uncommon for various generations to argue over what constitutes "good taste," and the dispute between minimalist and maximalist styles is no exception. This debate will, without a doubt, spark numerous heated Twitter threads for quite some time, but it's worth noting that this larger-than-life generation Z is definitely on to something.
Gen Z’s unique concept will only inspire a new generation of environmental extremists to develop better solutions. And as a Millenial, it's time we consider paying close attention to it.