With Women's Month in full swing, we're taking this opportunity to tell you more about the remarkable women at JCVA and their thoughts on striving to make a difference.
This year, we're embodying #beboldforchange. We have asked 3 questions to get behind the women that are transforming JCVA and helping pave the way for aspiring female leaders in the industry. Here's what they've got to say!
Be Bold For Change
Question 1: “What does the theme #BeBoldForChange mean to you?”
Kathleen: Being bold is to never stop in stepping forward and climbing upward because talent and dedication are not gender-dependent.
April: It means having the courage to chart new waters.
Salma: Being Bold is about not being defined by anything but your own.
Stephanie: For me, it means that we need to step out of our comfort zones to be able to maximize our true potential. We need to set aside our fears and apprehensions for us to be able to achieve our dreams.
Karla: Taking the initiative to learn actual gaps that need improvement, being outspoken & fearless, committing to face the issues by taking bold actions.
Mary: "Be Bold for Change" means that you are ready to take the risks of whatever comes in your way and you know it's a great achievement when you succeed. Changes are necessary for every person but it is up to you on how you handle them in order to survive. I am learning an experience and lesson in every change that comes in my way. I know that staying where I am won't make me productive so I need to learn and explore to widen my knowledge and flexibility even if it will take me some time to develop.
Pam: It means being fearless and relentless to effect change in your community. It also means refusing to be bound by gender, background, or belief to be able to make things better for you and for those around you.
Jane: For me, it means walking head high, eyes forward, and with courage in your heart, into the unknown because change can be indefinite but what's constant is bravery.
Perks of Being A Woman
Question 2: “What are the advantages of being a woman in this industry?”
Stephanie: Most think that the construction world is a man’s world, but I would like to think otherwise. Though most believe that it would be a disadvantage for us to be in this field, we have a lot to offer, better than men. Apart from the technical skills, we also put our heart into everything we do. Women are more passionate, patient, resilient, resourceful, and flexible. Traits we develop while living with men (you know what I mean).
Mary: There are a lot of advantages of being a woman in this industry, Women today are flexible in any form of work. Women can also adapt to the changes in the environment [because we are resilient]. We can also do what men can do. We can be in construction, we can drive, we can play sports, we can be in logistics and great leaders too. We are not only driven by love and care, but we are driven with passion, integrity, and confidence, which makes us stand out in the crowd.
Salma: Opportunity to prove that women can earn their place in the table, where men have long been dominating.
April: Our femininity brings balance in a hypermasculine world.
Pam: Being underestimated then totally surprising others about what you can do...in a good way. Women also have a quiet form of power that does not overwhelm and encourages teamwork and collaboration, which are highly essential in this field.
Kathleen: Most of the time, they will intimidate you [about] being a woman in an industry that is dominated by men. They would refer to you as weak but being weak is strength. As per experience, they would just let you do you, especially when women start to talk a lot. Kidding aside, being in this industry allows other women to work alongside men who empower you to do more.
Karla: Modest averment of capabilities that improve the management flow, utilization of being a strong relationship builder applied to construction approach, sharing of fresh prospect that can help the team progress.
Jane: Charm and prowess, and I don't mean this to stereotype women. A strong and confident woman walking in a room full of disgruntled and disapproving men can calm everyone down, properly discuss, and resolve issues.
We Got the Power
Question 3: “What is your power?”
Jane: I think my power as a woman is to have an empathic yet logical mindset. The ability to listen and assess before speaking. It's synonymous with being a mother, a child slips and falls, and a father might get angry and shout not primarily because of the child's clumsiness but because he wasn't able to protect him/her. If a child runs to his/her mother, the initial reaction would be to calm him/her down, ask what's wrong then address any wounds if there are any.
Pam: Unique perspective and intuition that only a mother and a woman can have.
Salma: Being a woman is to nurture and protect. It is going beyond one's selfish bravado and lifting other people up to their true potential.
Karla: Lift others as I climb.
April: The instinct to nurture and the patience for growth.
Kathleen: Power is being able to influence, innovate and create change.
Mary: I am a hardworking person which I think makes my power. I aim to know and grasp as much as I can so I would know how a certain work is done. I know that being a woman won't stop me from doing things out of my comfort.
Stephanie: The power of a woman is something one shouldn’t underestimate. It is immeasurable and incomparable. We are driven by passion, strengthen by challenges, and empowered by love.
Ultimately, women in the industry can and will continue to bring a whole new perspective to this industry - in spite of obstacles and persistent challenges. By fully embracing our powers and taking charge of them, we can obtain an exceptional edge through collaboration rather than competition. As Kathleen says it, "being bold is to never stop stepping forward and climbing upward because talent and dedication are not gender-dependent."